Sustainable King Valley and the Food Hub, with support from the Rural City of Wangaratta, welcome you to join us at the Autumn Harvest Festival 2025. It will be a morning focused on local produce, waste minimisation, gardening and community.
- Bring your garden goodies - share your abundance of fruit & veg and fill a box to take home other garden goodies
- Monster Zucchini Competition | Kids' activities | An interactive critter display
- Preserving demonstration - simple recipes to taste and make from your home-grown goodies
- Fruit fly Information and other unwanted garden pests | Upcycling demonstrations
- Boomerang bags onsite to help with simple clothing repairs (hemming, sewing buttons and minor patching) gold coin donation
CWA will also generously be providing a morning tea and there will be a raffle to go into the draw to win some great prizes!
Entry gold coin donation | Saturday, 15 March 2025 | 10:30am - 12:30pm
Cheshunt Memorial Hall | 454 King Valley Rd | Cheshunt,+Cheshunt+VIC+3678++Cheshunt+3678