1 min read
Autumn Harvest Festival!

Sustainable King Valley and the Food Hub, with support from the Rural City of Wangaratta, welcome you to join us at the Autumn Harvest Festival 2025. It will be a morning focused on local produce, waste minimisation, gardening and community.

  • Bring your garden goodies - share your abundance of fruit & veg and fill a box to take home other garden goodies
  • Monster Zucchini Competition | Kids' activities | An interactive critter display
  • Preserving demonstration - simple recipes to taste and make from your home-grown goodies
  • Fruit fly Information and other unwanted garden pests | Upcycling demonstrations
  • Boomerang bags onsite to help with simple clothing repairs (hemming, sewing buttons and minor patching) gold coin donation

CWA will also generously be providing a morning tea and there will be a raffle to go into the draw to win some great prizes!

Entry gold coin donation | Saturday, 15 March 2025 | 10:30am - 12:30pm

Cheshunt Memorial Hall | 454 King Valley Rd | Cheshunt 


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